The Parochial Church Council (PCC) of St. Thomas’ Fair Oak takes seriously its responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of children and vulnerable adults.
This Safeguarding Statement applies to all who make up the church ‘workforce’ which includes all clergy, holders of Bishop’s licence or permission, those commissioned or authorised by the Bishop, those, paid or unpaid, who hold positions of responsibility in a parish and work with children or vulnerable adults, and those who represent the parish in its ministry.
For the purposes of this document the term ‘Parish’ is used to denote the PCC and Incumbent who are together responsible for ensuring that diocesan safeguarding policies and procedures are implemented.
For the purposes of this document a child is anyone under the age of eighteen years.
Key Contacts
Parish Safeguarding Officer
Michelle Pride
02380 695 786
Church Wardens
Church Wardens: Bob Carkeet and Matt Nicholson may be contacted via The Church Office 023 8069 5786 or
Diocesan Safeguarding Manager
Jackie Rowlands 01962 737317 I
mobile: 07921 865374 I
Winchester Diocese
Winchester Diocese website Safeguarding Pages and resources (including the Parish Safeguarding Handbook)
click hereHampshire County Council
Safeguarding Children/Adults Team
Out of Hours 0300 555 1373
National Helplines:
Phone 999 if anyone is at immediate risk
NSPCC – 0808 800 5000
Family Lives – 0808 800 2222
Childline – 0800 1111 or chat via
Action on Elder Abuse – 0808 808 8141
National Domestic Violence – 08082000247
NAPAC – 08088010331
Samaritans – 116 123
Stop it Now – 0808 1000 900