Month: February 2023

Pancake Party

We had a great time had this week’s Pancake party! The highlight of course was eating the pancakes – banana and chocolate sauce being a favourite filling for me – but there was also a lot of fun in the flipping, throwing and racing! After all the challenges were done and dusted Ben was finally…
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Lent begins in a few days giving us a chance to be ready for Easter. I don’t know if you have an established rhythm for Lent, but hopefully these opportunities to meet will give us a chance to take the journey together. Wed 22nd Feb: Ash Wednesday service at 7pm Fri 24th Feb: Friday night prayer…
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As One

The next As One meet-up is set for Sat 18th of February in St. Thomas’ extension. If you live in the Stubbington estate area you’re welcome to join us at 10am for bacon sandwiches and a chance to meet some neighbours as we consider how we can bring a bit more friendliness to our streets.