Open House

Open House Wednesday is launching on Wednesday 6th March. Coffee from 9am, morning prayer at 9.15am, Communion and Oasis at 10am, lunch from midday followed by tea and cake all afternoon.
Statistics show us that not only do around 28 million people in the UK feel a sense of loneliness but that this loneliness has a negative effect on both quality of life and life expectancy. We believe people are made to be in community and we want to tackle the loneliness epidemic. Therefore, starting 6th March, every Wednesday St Thomas’ church will be open. There will be a simple breakfast and lunch, as well as drinks and refreshments. We’ll aim to provide different opportunities, some formed around the Christian faith such as Morning Prayer and Communion, but also spaces for good conversation, books and magazines to be read and games to be played. So whether it’s a stop off after the school run, or a desire to make connections, this building will be open for all. So keep your eyes out for more information soon and we hope you can make yourself at home in this Open House.